Tuesday, June 10, 2008

NEW ADDITION!!!!!!!!!!! "For the beatheads..."

My man Mau is a super dope producer who transplanted from Los Angeles to Atlanta a few years back. For me the thing that sets him apart from a lot of producers is his meticulous attention to detail. He would call it dedication, I would call it OCD. Whatever it is, it definitely allows him to constantly create something new and usually puts him a few years ahead of the latest trends. Anyway, because he keeps busy and he is not in Cali anymore we don't get a lot of time to chop it up like we used to. But what he does do is text and e-mail.

Usually the e-mails center around music and production techniques. His latest e-mail reflects his longest quest for perfection in mixing. I stopped counting how many books he has read and analyzing (notice how that word contains anal?) of big studio mixing boards and home mixing software/hardware. My philosophy of clean in = clean out and just adjusting the level of each track has definitely been influenced by his finds.

So far I have been passing these finds on by word of mouth but now that I have a blog... why not? So this is a new edition to the blog called "For the beatheads" inspired by Mau's new blessing (Congrats you biggity biter) since he stay blessing with the knowledge. So I will be adding some elements of music production to future editions of "For The Beatheads" but what I will primarily be using it for is to post whatever little tid bits Mau hits me with. So keep an eye out.

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