Thursday, April 24, 2008

Peep This...

Anybody who is up on technology knows that Japan is so far ahead of the US that it is embarrassing. If your are not up on tech then let me tell you now that when robots take over the world, they're coming from Japan. If you want to keep track of your impending doom then is the place to do it.

This site hips you to the newest gadgetry to come out Japan, like a HD video camera inside a ballpoint pen, or the new Sony Mylo 2.

A Sidekick type of PDA that lets you do everything but make phone calls. A good thing about the site is that it does even handed reviews.

Mylo 2 by Sony
by AkihabaraNews

If there is something about the product they don't like, they will most def let you know what it is. With video reviews, tons of pics and a variety of topics. This site will give you enough info to rebel against robot apocalypse.

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