Sunday, September 14, 2008

Peep This... New Jay Smooth - Hipster Rap

"I Hate Bloggers"
And everything else that was missed in my latest hiatus....

Ballad Of The Little Hater

"Topher asked me to describe my Little Hater, and Derek asked me to discuss beatboxing. But the beatboxing game is to be sold, not to be told. If you're not familiar with the Little Hater go here."

The Republican Hater's Ball

"Hateration in the GOP dancerie. I'm soooo glad you all asked for commentary on Sarah Palin and made me sit through the convention last night. [/sarcasm]"

Vlogging is Stupid

"Just a station announcement before we return to regular programming. Conversate is totally a word, by the way. Like I said in the video please keep hitting me back with ideas, comments, stuff you disagreed with in some other video.. here or on twitter or wherever. And if you can do it in a video response that's even better!"

A Beginner's Guide to "No Homo"

Another one by request.

Obama's Ludacris Issue

By request, although I don't have all that much to say on it.

How To Tell People They Sound Racist

You gotta use some strategery

The Wall-E Theory

Uncovering the secret code hidden inside the year's best movie.
For real though Wall-E was a great film, and I don't expect this type of movie (or any movie) to comprehensively cover every sociopolitical issue.. but I did find it interesting how it approached environmental issues, in a way that basically left class -and race- off the table.. especially since race and class are so often left off the table when the environment is discussed.."

"Yes We Can" - The George Carlin Remix

"For the great one. One of the biggest influences on my understanding of everything, and his legendary "7 dirty words" court case happened at the radio station where I've spent half my life. One of the people I most most most wanted to meet/interview. You could always count on him to be on top of the now for however long he was here, and I know that he was a devoted blog reader, so I always fantasized about him visiting my site or seeing one of my vids.
this video contains adult language (like, duh!)"

How Not To Look Like A Sucker

young buck wiretap
jim jones interview
bun b interview

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