Thursday, May 8, 2008

Peep This... A horse of a different color

You guys remember that Dell commercial that shows all the laptops with the different colors that match their owners lifestyle? If not...

Well if you feel the need to be like one of these people to he nth degree then check out .

This site lets you take your game consoles, laptops, smart phones and even your HDTV and add your own colorful flair. You can customize the color/colors of all these things from a large palette of flat and/or metallic colors provided by the site. So you can take your laptop and take it from its standard color to Smoke White. Or make your Xbox 360 Hot Pink. The only problem with this site is that it only mods specific units. So you have to have the exact model that is listed in order to use the services. But if you have a Nintendo DS and it's time for a change, then this site is for you!

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